Nurture the Seed

“When the perceived value is great enough, the exchange will take place.” – Club353

Fear Consciousness

  • To nurture the seed of fear consciousness, we must become the consciousness within our fear. Fear is a powerful force that holds us back from reaching our full potential. It can be a hindrance to our growth, a roadblock to our dreams, and a weight on our shoulders that keeps us from taking action. But fear does not have to have the upper hand. 
  • By embracing and owning our fears, we can turn them into our greatest allies. Remember, how is never as important as why.
  • The first step in owning our fears is to understand what they are and why we have created them. Fear is often a manifestation of our deepest anxieties and insecurities. It is the voice in our head that tells us we’re not good enough, that we’re not smart enough, or that we’re not strong enough. Fear is nothing more than a dominant thought, stuck in loop, inside our head. It is a belief that has been ingrained in us, but it is not pure and it is certainly not the truth.
  • The next step is to face our fear. We must confront it head-on, with all the courage and determination we can muster. We must look it in the eye and tell it that we are not afraid. We must push through our comfort zones and embrace the unknown. We must take action, even when it is difficult or scary.
  • As we face our fears, we will find that they lose their power over us. We will begin to see that the other side of our fear is a place of growth, creativity, and unlimited potential. We will realize that our fear is just a shadow that we have cast over ourselves, and that we have the power to cast it aside.
  • By becoming our fear and by owning it, we will discover that fear is not a roadblock, but a pathway to our greatest selves. We will also discover how to tap into a new level of self-awareness and develop a new level of self-confidence and belief, and ultimately, we will be able to live our lives with purity, purpose, passion, and joy.
  • Everything we seek is on the other side of our fear, and the journey to get there begins by becoming the consciousness within our fear.







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